As the winter holiday break approaches, families are getting ready for travel. In our case, a plane trip to the West Coast awaits, prompting me to reflect on the tips I follow to eat and stay safe during air travel.
Pack Your Own Food: In case there are no safe in-flight meal options, I always pack my own food to ensure I have something to eat on the plane.
Notify the Flight Attendant: I make it a point to inform the flight attendant about my specific food allergies to ensure they accommodate my needs.
Carry Your Epipen: I always pack my epipen in case of an emergency.
Pack Wipes for Surface Cleaning: I pack wipes to clean surfaces around my seat thoroughly, which helps reduce the risk of accidental exposure to allergens.
Research Airline Allergy Accommodations: Prior to a trip, I research the airline's policies for accommodating food allergies. To help with your research, I have provided below a list of links where you can explore how various airlines support passengers with food allergies:
United Airlines: https://www.united.com/ual/en/us/fly/travel/special-needs/food-allergies.html
American Airlines: https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/experience/dining/special-meals-and-nut-allergies.jsp
Delta Airlines: https://www.delta.com/us/en/accessible-travel-services/dietary-needs-and-allergies
Spirit: https://customersupport.spirit.com/en-us/category/article/KA-01169
Hawaiian Air: https://hawaiianair.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3119/~/allergies
Being prepared, vocal about your allergies, and researching airline-specific accommodations can help ensure a safe and enjoyable airline trip this holiday season.